Two brothers, Anwesh and Mukhil, solve the mystery of their missing marbles, discovering a mischievous bird responsible for the theft.
Two children, Maya and Leo, solve the mystery of missing macaws in the Rio de Janeiro rainforest, discovering that other children were playing a game, hiding the birds.
Ten-year-old Leo solves the mystery of his grandmother's missing birthday cake, discovering a mischievous bullfrog as the culprit in a series of clever investigations around the lake.
Joel and Sara joined a circus, but during the circus performance, many bats attacked from the ceiling.
Once upon a time, friends Noelle and Ella rode their horses to a medieval castle. The castle's inhabitants had been enchanted by an evil witch.
Once upon a time, friends named Anton and Jeremias visited an amusement park. They saw a forbidden forest next to the amusement park and decided to venture inside. Little did they know, a white snowy monster was waiting for them in the forbidden forest!
A magical meeting between a cherry seed and a fire salamander inside an ancient tree leads to an extraordinary adventure filled with mystery and wonder.
Captain Kindness, the superhero with a heart of gold, embarks on a mission to solve the puzzling disappearance of toys from the local daycare. With the help of the daycare kids, Captain Kindness unravels a mystery that leads to unexpected twists and turns.
Join Ollie the Owl on an exciting adventure as he sets out to solve the mystery of the missing compass. With three intriguing clues to unravel, can Ollie crack the case and find the lost compass?